Mathematics of Data

This website contains course material about Mathematics of Data taught in HKUST and PKU in the past few years. Some information was lost due to a recent collapse of server. It is still under recovery. Please email me if you need any particular information.

Spring 2025, HKUST

CSIC 5011 - MATH 5473: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization Wed 03:00PM - 05:50PM, Rm 4503, Lift 25-26 (64)
MATH 5470: Statistical Machine Learning Mon 06:30PM - 09:20PM, G009A, CYT Bldg (80)

Fall 2024, HKUST

MAFS 5440: Artificial Intelligence in Fintech Wed 7:30-10:20pm, LTG (Lift 25-26)

Spring 2024, HKUST

CSIC 5011 - MATH 5473: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization Wed 15:00-17:50am, LSK 1032
MATH 5470: Statistical Machine Learning Mon 18:30-21:20am, Rm 4579, Lift 27-28

Fall 2023, HKUST

MAFS 6010z: Artificial Intelligence in Fintech Mon 7:30-10:20pm, LTF (Lift 25-26)
MATH 1013: Calculus IB MonWed 12:00-13:20pm, Room 2464 (Lift 25-26)

Spring 2023, HKUST

CSIC 5011 - MATH 5473: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization Mon 15:00-17:50am, Rm 4503, Lift 25-26
MATH 1014: Calculus II MonWed 12:00-13:20pm, LTE

Spring 2022, HKUST

MATH 5470: Statistical Machine Learning MonWed 10:30-11:50am, Zoom
MSBD 5013: Statistical Prediction Mon 3:00-5:50pm, Zoom

Fall 2021, HKUST

MAFS 6010z: Artificial Intelligence in Fintech Thu 7:30-10:20pm, LTG and Zoom
MATH 4995: Capstone Project for Data Science TuThu 3:00-4:20pm, Rm 5510 (Lift 25-26) and Zoom

Spring 2021, HKUST

CSIC 5011: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization Fri 10:30-13:20pm, Zoom

Fall 2020, HKUST

MATH 6380p: Advanced Topics in Deep Learning Wed 3:00pm-5:50pm, Zoom
MATH 4995: Capstone Project for Data Science TuThu 4:30-5:50pm, Zoom

Spring 2020, HKUST

CSIC 5011: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization Wed 3:00-5:50pm, Zoom Webinar and LSK ???
MAFS 6010U: AI in Finance Tuesday 3-6pm, Zoom and TBA

Fall 2019, HKUST

MATH 6380o: Deep Learning: Towards Deeper Understanding Th 3-5:50pm, Rm 2405 (Lift 17-18), Academic Bldg, HKUST

Spring 2019, HKUST

CSIC 5011: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization WedFri 3:00-4:20pm, CYT G009A
MAFS 6010U: AI in Finance Friday 7:30-10:20pm, LTE

Fall 2018, HKUST

MATH 6380p: Advanced Topics in Deep Learning MoWe 4:30-5:50pm, Rm2463 (Lift 25/26)

Spring 2018, HKUST

MATH 6380o: Deep Learning: Towards Deeper Understanding TuTh 3-4:20pm, LTD
MATH 4432: Statistical Machine Learning TuTh 4:30-5:50pm, Rm4504 (Lift 25/26)

Fall 2017, HKUST

CSIC 5011: Topological and Geometric Data Reduction and Visualization

Spring 2017, HKUST

Math 6380J: A Mathematical Introduction to Data Analysis (数据分析的数学导论)

Spring 2016, PKU

A Mathematical Introduction to Data Science (数据分析的数学导论)

Fall 2015, PKU

Statistical Learning (统计学习)

May 2015, Taiwan

A Short Course on Mathematical Introduction to Data Analysis, Taiwan

Spring 2015, PKU

Probability and Statistics (概率与统计)

Fall 2014, PKU

A Mathematical Introduction to Data Science (数据分析的数学导论)

Spring 2014, PKU

Statistical Learning (统计学习)

Fall 2013, PKU

A Mathematical Introduction to Data Science (数据中的数学)

Spring 2013, PKU

Statistical Learning (统计学习)

Fall 2012, PKU

A Mathematical Introduction to Data Science (数据中的数学)

Fall 2011, PKU

Mathematics for Data Science (数据中的数学)

Summer 2011, Fudan

2011 Fudan Summer School on Data Sciences

Spring 2011, PKU

Stochastic Dynamic Models in Life Sciences (生命科学中的随机动力学模型)

Fall 2010, PKU

Calculus B for School of Economics and Yuan-Pei College (高等数学 B: 经济学院+元培学院)

Summer 2010, PKU

2010 PKU Summer School on Statistics and Information Technology (统计与信息技术暑期班)

Spring 2010, PKU

B.Sc. Thesis Seminar (毕业讨论班)

Fall 2009, PKU

Selected Topics in Advanced Statistics (高等统计选讲)

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Last update in November 2017